
2012 Metal Boat Fest, Topic: Metal Boat Paint Repairs 2013 Metal Boat Fest, Topic: Managing Refits 2013 IBEX Topic: Surveying Metal Boats With NDT/Thermal Imaging 2014 SAMS Florida Regional Meetings, Topic: Surveying Metal Boats With NDT/Thermal Imaging 2014 North Florida Cruising Club: Topic: Old & New Technologies Of Marine Surveying 2014 East Coast Sailing Association: Applying Thermal Imaging To Marine Surveying 2014 IBEX Topic: Conducting a Pre-purchase Survey 2015 Trawler Fest: Boat Buyers Program, Talks on metal boats and custom boats 2015 IBEX Topic: Using Thermal Imaging In The Survey And Repair Of Wooden Boats 2015 IBEX Topic: Best Practices Of Aluminum Boatbuilding


Metal Boat Quarterly Editor 2014- Metal Boat Quarterly July 2013: Tools Of The Trade Metal Boat Quarterly January 2014: Interior Paint Repair Boat US Seaworthy Magazine January 2014: Photo Credits, Hidden Chainplate Dangers Boat US Seaworthy Magazine January 2016: Inspecting Your RiggingProfessional Boatbuilder Magazine January 2016: A Surveyor's Notes On Chainplate Inspection